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I prefer Corona as a beer. With a lime. On a beach.

But that's just me.

Ok my loves let’s talk about this.

The travel industry is one of the most severely impacted by this pandemic, so I think it's important for T&T members to know how Covid-19 is affecting the Superyacht & Private Jet Industries – from the inside. Our mission is to get you the travel industry jobs of your DREAMS – but we want you to SUCCEED. So please pay attention.


For those of you that have been studying your guides, you know that many superyachts follow a travel pattern called the “milk run.” This describes that general standard route that many vessels follow. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in most often home base, then the boats chase premium weather throughout the year – traveling to the Caribbean in the winter months, and cross to the Mediterranean/”Med” or New England in the summer months. Fort Lauderdale tends to be a pitstop between seasons for the purpose of refreshing the boat and bringing on fresh crew.

In your guides, we recommend you use this ‘milk run’ to your advantage by placing yourself in Fort Lauderdale when the boats are back in town between seasons. (AKA Now-April and Late Sep-Early Nov.) What’s happening THIS year - thanks to COVID and the lock-down of many popular Med season destinations such as Italy and Spain – is that yachting Med Season is essentially CANCELED. The palm beach boat show (which is a major event between winter and summer seasons) has been postponed indefinitely, and we’re seeing there is less crew turn-over than usual because people don’t want to risk losing their jobs in this questionable economy.

Our Predictions:

This is an unprecedented circumstance for not only the yachting industry, but many others throughout the world. It’s impossible to tell you exactly what the industry will look like in the coming months, but yachtie friends and I all share the same thoughts:

Superyachts serving their private owners will go about their business as though not much has changed. Overseas summers are likely to be avoided, and many boats that usually venture out to the Med will remain in and around the USA for the 2020 season. Expect places like the Bahamas, New England, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest to be MAJOR hotspots May – September. Owners know that their yachts are kept to impeccable standards by their crew and that they and their families are in a safe and sterile environment when on board.

The charter market will likely decline, as many regular charter guests will be avoiding unnecessary travel – but plenty groups will still take advantage of a private, clean, and personal travel experience that superyachts offer.

What It Means for YOU:

If you had planned to position yourself in FL to get into the industry during this particular inter-season, you may want to consider postponing your plans until the NEXT ideal season transition (which will be September-October). Will it be impossible to get a job right now? Probably not. Will it be more challenging than it otherwise would coming into the industry green? Likely. Again – We want you to succeed.

Private Jets:

For those of you that know my story, you know that this is the industry I’ve been focusing my career in most recently. I can tell you that I was looking forward to five EXCITING work trips this past month. I was scheduled to be spending blocks of time in London, the Seychelles, Hawaii, the Maldives, and St. Maarten. EVERY. SINGLE. TRIP. Has cancelled. (You can imagine my disappointment!) It seems as though 99% of pleasure traveling - even on Private Jets, where we avoid the crowds and don’t go through major airport terminals - is postponed until COVID is behind us. Only the most necessary business flights to safe regions are still taking place.

Our Predictions:

Private Jet flying notoriously slows down in the summer months – most especially on the East Coast USA, even during a normal year NOT plagued by a pandemic. Without knowing how long it will take for COVID to move through the planet’s system (we’re guessing like many others, it’ll take at least a few months), our industry prediction is that we won’t be functioning at a normal pace again until Autumn 2020.

What It Means for YOU:

If you’re trying to get into the industry, there will be less jobs available in an already competitive market. Without flight demand, there won’t be much need for new crew members, and the existing Flight Attendants won’t be letting go of their current jobs and salaries in the unknown economic climate. We recommend waiting until the world is out of the COVID darkness before pursuing private jets because AGAIN. Our mission is to help you SUCCEED.

BUT ALAS! There are silver linings! And here they are:

1 - This is temporary. Despite the media hype, Corona Virus is NOT the end of the world and it WILL pass. (PS TOILET PAPER SHOULDN'T BE YOUR BIGGEST CONCERN RIGHT NOW SO STOP BEING RIDICULOUS!)

2 - The echelon of clients you’re working for on Superyachts and Private Jets (we’re talking top fraction of the top 1%), have SO much money that they’re typically immune to economic downturn, so these job opportunities will still exist when the virus is out of our systems and the industries will continue to thrive. (Again, our best guess is in the Autumn 2020 when things are back to normal.)

3 - If you're one of the many people in self-quarantine, you can take this time to hone your skills and study your guides even more in-depth, and fully immerse yourselves in your new life when the industries are ready for you. Practice your table settings! Your Bartending! Study your industry terminology glossaries! Yachties – learn your makes/models and get acquainted with your daily tasks. Flight Attendants – Study your aircraft layouts and practice your catering orders! Take advantage of this time and the exclusive knowledge we offer you to put yourself ahead of the game when your new life is ready for you. Lord knows we all need something to look forward to right now.

When the world goes dark, we need to find the light in each other.

For those of you that are or have family physically affected by the corona virus - our thoughts are with you. For those of you whose jobs, livelihood, and education are being affected as a result of the corona virus- our thoughts are with you. For those who are just living in fear or uncertainty of what this will become- our thoughts are with you. For those of you who work in the medical, pharmaceutical, retail, or any other field of increased demand and intensity right now, our thoughts and GRATITUDE are with you also.

Let’s collectively take this time to focus on what’s most important in life; to be kind, to send our positive energy into the universe, and to get each other through this bizarre, dark, and challenging period of history.

We’re here for you as travel industry experts to help guide you on your careers, and we're here for you as friends if you need someone to talk to at this hard time. Don't hesitate to reach out. <3 Laura


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